[ACC2009]Greg W. Stone教授专访:从临床实践看COURAGE研究和SYNTAX研究

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/4/17 19:57:00


International Circulation: The first thing I’d like to ask you today is, PCI can reduce the mortality and incidence for ACS patients but there is still no evidence in patients with stable coronary artery disease. The COURAGE Trial suggests that clinicians are perhaps a bit overly optimistic about potential outcome benefits of PCI and maybe a little over pessimistic about medical management. First perhaps you agree or don’t agree with that statement? What do you think about the results of the COURAGE Trial? 《国际循环》: PCI可以减少ACS患者的死亡率和发病率,但是在稳定性冠心病PCI使用无证据。COURAGE研究表明,临床医师对PCI带来的益处有所高估,而对传统药物疗效有所贬低。您同意还是反对COURAGE研究的这种说法?您怎么解读COURAGE研究的结论?

COURAGE研究SYNTAX研究Greg W. Stone教授

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