
[AHA2011]Michael Felker教授解析如何选择心血管疾病生物标志物

作者:  MichaelFelker   日期:2011/11/21 16:31:00



    <International Circulation>:  What biomarker do you think really works?

    Prof. Felker:  If you look at the guidelines, by far the strongest evidence base we have for biomarkers is using the natriuretic peptides (BNP and NT-proBNP), and making the diagnosis of heart failure in patients who present with shortness of breath. If you look at the US Guidelines, that is the only Class I indication for using a biomarker in the heart failure guidelines. That would be the most completely proven, though not necessarily the best. I think they are clearly very useful for prognosis and I think there are several of them for that: the natriuretic peptides, ST2 seems to be very powerful for prognosis. Understanding about prognosis is only useful if you can do something about it. Just saying you are going to do well or you are not going to do well is not very useful if you can’t do anything about it. They are most useful if they have some therapeutic imperative associated with them - if you measure something and it says this, so you need to do this treatment - and we actually have relatively little data to guide us in that way. That is the direction the field is moving in at present. We are transitioning from an era in which we mostly measured things and looked at outcomes, to what we can use to help us treat people in the face of a multitude of heart failure treatments. It stands to reason that some are going to be more effective in one patient than another and the question is, how do you figure out which is which? We have a lot of biomarkers that can give us insight into what is going on with the patient, but to use a military analogy, it is like the difference between intelligence and actionable intelligence. We have intelligence; we have biomarkers that can tell us this patient has a lot of inflammation or this patient has a lot of fibrosis going on. What is not yet totally clear is how we can close that loop and to take that information and do something in particular that we wouldn’t have done already. That’s the key. It is not helpful if it just tells us to do something we were going to do anyway. It can’t just tell us more; it has to tell us something new. Measuring two biomarkers that measure the same thing is not going to be useful. Multiple biomarkers are only useful when they allow you to zone in on some salient feature relevant to what you are trying to figure out.


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