
[ACC2009]Steven Nissen教授与何奔教授对话血脂异常的研究进展

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/4/21 16:48:00


International Circulation: I am here at ACC 2009 with Dr. Steven Nissen and Dr. He Ben, thank you for joining us today. First I would like to talk a little bit about lipids. Patients with diabetes have some special lipid abnormalities with triglycerides and low HDLC as their main characteristics. Can you give us some advice on lipid lowering treatments in patients with diabetes especially when the LDLC has reached the target level and the low HDLC is the main abnormality?《国际循环》:我现在是在2009年ACC会议现场,与我在一起的是Steven Nissen博士和He Ben博士,感谢二位接受我们今天的采访。首先我想先说一下血脂。糖尿病患者血脂会出现以甘油三酯和HDL降低为主要特征的异常情况。对于以LDL正常但HDL偏低为主要异常的糖尿病患者,您能给我们一些治疗建议吗?

International Circulation: I am here at ACC 2009 with Dr. Steven Nissen and Dr. He Ben, thank you for joining us today. First I would like to talk a little bit about lipids. Patients with diabetes have some special lipid abnormalities with triglycerides and low HDLC as their main characteristics. Can you give us some advice on lipid lowering treatments in patients with diabetes especially when the LDLC has reached the target level and the low HDLC is the main abnormality?《国际循环》:我现在是在2009年ACC会议现场,与我在一起的是Steven Nissen博士和He Ben博士,感谢二位接受我们今天的采访。首先我想先说一下血脂。糖尿病患者血脂会出现以甘油三酯和HDL降低为主要特征的异常情况。对于以LDL正常但HDL偏低为主要异常的糖尿病患者,您能给我们一些治疗建议吗?

Prof. Nissen:
This is a controversial area. It is important to understand that all of the data support that the primary target always has to be use of statins and use of statins to lower LDLC but frankly the benefits appear to extend even across patients who start with an LDL that’s in the normal range. So it is statins first.  It is not at all clear that treating triglycerides actually confers benefits. You know fibric acid drugs like fenofibrate have been around since 1974 and yet there’s no outcome data to suggest that they improve outcomes in any cardiovascular disease. Now, we may get that data later this year from the ACCORD trial which is studying fenofibrate in diabetics. With respect to HDL rising, again the data is more limited than one would like.  However most people, myself included, will treat a low in diabetic patients if possible.  Really the only affective drug is niacin and it is hard to use because of the flushing but if one is patient and gradually up titrates the dose, getting up to a full therapeutic dose is possible. Sometimes it takes four to six months, and once you get there the HDL is often 20% or more higher. One more therapy and I am not sure if this is used commonly in China or not, is Omega-3 fatty acids which are very effective in lowering triglycerides and will raise HDL at least a little bit and appear to be very safe. Pending further data, I still think the primary target is to give statins in full therapeutic doses.  It reduces LDLC and higher doses appear to be better than lower doses. 

International Circulation: Professor He, what about the therapy that Dr. Nissen just mentioned with the omega-3?  Is that therapy used in China?

Prof. He:  Yes it is used but not as a medicine. Omega-3 is maybe used nutritionally.

Prof. Nissen: In the US we have a brand name highly concentrated form of omega-3 that is now used as a pharmaceutical, it is actually a prescription drug and it is really quite effective at lowering triglycerides.

Prof. He:  Is this used to reduce the LDL?

Prof. Nissen: No, it does not lower LDL but it does reduce the triglycerides quite effectively, up to 40%.

International Circulation:  Some studies related to increasing HDLC against atherosclerosis and reducing cardiovascular and cerebral vascular events have not really gotten promising results.  What could be the possible negative reasons in some of these clinical trials and does this mean that HDLC is not a target for reducing cardiovascular events?

Prof. Nissen: Well I gave a lecture at this meeting where I said that I thought it was a valuable target and I think we have not come up with the right therapy yet.  Some of the trials have failed like the Torcetrapib study but it failed not because raising HDL is not beneficial but because the drug had an off target toxicity.  It was increasing aldosterone which is a very adverse side effect.  There are other CETP inhibitors in development which do not have that off target toxicity.  I think they have a very good chance of working.  It has been a hard target for the pharmaceutical industry to find the right drug but sooner or later we will find the right drug and I think when we do, this will have major incremental benefits.

International Circulation: 
Can you give us a little bit of your view on this, what Doctor Nissen just mentioned and do you have anything you would like to add on that?

Professor He:  Yes I fully agree with Professor Nissen, I believe that sooner or later we will find the right drugs because of that right now we don’t have any evidence for any drugs that increase HDL that have proved to benefit people with coronary disease. 

International Circulation:  What about the role of the JUPITER trial in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, Dr. Nissen?
《国际循环》:Nissen 博士,JUPITER试验在心脏血管疾病的一级预防中作用如何?

Prof. Nissen: Well I have a very favorable view of the study.  I thought that Dr. Ridker proposed a hypothesis, namely that people with a low LDL but a high CRP (C-reative protein) would benefit from statins and he proved his point very effectively.  A 44% reduction in the primary pre-specified


血脂异常Steven Nissen何奔

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